Relocation to Plano, TX

Relocation to Plano, TX

I decided to relocate to Plano, TX in March 2017 continuing as a Principal Technical Writer with CA Technologies. So far I have been loving it here in Texas! I feel that it was the best choice for both professional and personal reasons.
STC Award of Merit!

STC Award of Merit!

I received an STC Award of Merit for my design of the CA OM WebViewer Release 12.1.00 Bookshelf! One of the goals of the release was to improve documentation navigation, and I applied some strategies from a previous project to change the layout of the bookshelf. I...
Designing Documents

Designing Documents

When I design a document, I envision the end-user experience. I ask myself the following questions:What does the user need to know?Why does the user need to know this information?What is the role or job function of the user?How will the user find this...